Week 3 is in the books, and I got to tell you, it is COOL seeing their little retirement nest egg grow.  We had to graduate from overstuffed envelopes to shoeboxes, and even these are going to be too full in a few weeks.  It is so gratifying to see that money grow.  I can’t wait to watch that money get into the 4 and 5 figures.  By the time they graduate high school, they will have nearly 60k in that account.  It just continues to blow my mind.  Make MONEY WORK!  Here is a pic of their retirement accounts: 

I’m telling you, doing this in singles makes it LOOK so big.  Nobody is getting pumped about 3 $100 bills in an envelope, but a shoebox filling up with money? Now that is Legit!  

It’s funny, now that I have been going to the bank 3 weeks in a row wanting $300 in singles, they are starting to recognize me.  They are getting curious about what I am doing for the kids, between the church and the bank, I am getting converts even before we go public! ☺ 

The kids did great again this week, we were pretty low key this week, so their “current” money got to grow.  We spent some money on Chick Fil A because, well it’s Chick Fil A and it’s amazing.  It’s like they designed this place with parents of kids in mind. Okay, you crazy kids, go play while I set up for dinner, once I am set up the food is delivered to my table smelling delicious.  I’m not going to lie, I let that food cool a minute while I had some daddy phone time.  A fella just needs a minute, am I right?!? Anyway, the kids reimbursed me for the food, and we called it a night.  

We also went over to the bookstore, we spent HOURS looking over each title and analyzing which book would bring the most happiness per dollar.  Well that was Myka… Zeke grabbed the latest Dog Man book and went to town on it.  Looking up only briefly to see if Myka had figured out what she was going to do.  He was often disappointed, and went back to Dog Man.  Myka ended up with 4 books, two Jack and Annie books and 2 Fairy books.  I gotta be honest, I dig that she’s into Fairies.  I don’t know, maybe it makes me feel like she’s still four years old dressed up as Tinkerbell, something she won’t do anymore…tears….

Zeke spent $6 on food and $14 on the one book, leaving $20 to roll to next week.  Myka spent $6 on food and $10 on four books, leaving her $14 from this week to roll forward.

My FIREkids are getting it, they are digging giving money to the Church and filling up shoe boxes and are continuing their understanding of how money works.  I am glad they are learning this stuff now, before the stakes are higher.  Love these kiddos.