Man, OH MAN!   I LOVE my children, but oh they can wear me out!  Myka spent the entire Saturday putting away her clothes, cleaning her room and bathroom.  The…Entire…Day!!! My Goodness! No, it doesn’t take that long, if she was working on it, she could be DONE in an hour and a half.  NOPE, all freaking day.  Every time I poke my head in there, going “you done yet, love?” She would be almost done.  How on earth can you be “ALMOST DONE” FOR 6 HOURS?!?  She learned there, that time is money.  If I am her boss, and I gave her a task that should be done in 2 hours, and she takes 6? You must have a brilliant personality or you are being “motivated” to improve your efficiency, or shown the door. Six hours?!? Myka, sweet heart, you are NOT invoicing me full price for a job that you should have completed a long time ago.  Hello docked pay.  Poor girl, she is only getting $80 for the week.  Still she is funding her retirement with $50, and God for $10, leaving only a paltry $20 for her to spend. Better be frugal, sweet girl.  Times is HARD!!

My daughter picked a bad week to need to be frugal. She wanted to shop, and shop she did.  She bought a new sound machine, sleeping in our house is always assisted with a sound machine.  (Sometimes Mommy and Daddy get noisy, don’t worry about it, she needed one.) In addition to the sound machine she bought a LOL doll and a LOL pet, and leggings.  The girl never tears her clothes up, but on “frugal” week, you better believe they are torn up! That’s how it goes.  She spent around $70 at Target buying toys and clothes.  Good for you, girl.  You had some birthday money to spend and you saved it from last week, do what you want.  

Zeke didn’t have to buy any clothes this time, and so he got to enjoy it a little more.  We went as a family to a matinee to see Wreck it Ralph 2, those tickets were only $5!  That reminds me of the movie prices when I was growing up, not these $18 per madness we have going on now. Well, he bought his $5 movie ticket and went up to the counter to buy some treats for the movie.  Popcorn and candy and soda!!! Then he saw the price for those treats.  Nah, he says, I’m good.  I’d rather keep my money, I don’t even want candy. Nice kid.  Good thought. My poor sweet Zeke, though.  We went to the restroom before the movie and what do I find on the floor outside but his wallet, bulging with singles. I grabbed it off the floor. “Zeke” I said, “Where is your movie ticket and wallet? Do you have those handy” Yeah, he said, then the panic crossed his face.  He didn’t know where that wallet was…he started dashing around the restroom, opening up doors that he didn’t even enter.  He looks at me, visibly shaken, and says “Daddy, I don’t know where my wallet is!” I handed the wallet to him and made sure he understood how important it was to hold onto his wallet, he would be broke without it…. He hasn’t lost it since. 

Two weeks in, our house is cleaner, our pets are happier and Mommy and Daddy are loving this transition.  FIREkids is doing great for my household.  Let me know your process and progress on the message board.