Zeke, Myka, and Joey have chore charts that they must fill in with their initials to get payment for that chore. If they complete the chore, but didn’t submit it completed (initialed) on their “invoice” then they do not get paid for that chore. If you don’t bill for it, you don’t receive it! That’s real life, kids!

On these charts, I have given each task a value, for instance, reading a book for 20 minutes is worth $2 a day. So the child could receive up to $14 a week just for reading. However, if the child only read on 5 of the nights, the child will only have 5 days initialed and will only receive $10 for the completion of that chore.

Zeke and Myka have very similar tasks, but seeing as there are an odd number of days and an even number of kids, chores could not be split evenly, but we did our best. Joey is younger so his chart is much smaller. Below is just a template of what we have done in our home to great success. Please, use these FREE templates and customize to fit your family!

Click HERE to see Zeke’s Chore Chart

Click HERE to see Myka’s Chore Chart

Click HERE to see Joey’s Chore Chart