Financial Freedom for the Generations


Alexander Bright, CPA

Alexander Bright is a Certified Public Accountant, consultant, serial entrepreneur, and author.  Alexander’s passion is helping people take control over their finances which provides them the ability to live a life that would be unimaginable otherwise. 

Alexander grew up in the 90’s and early 2000’s and had a humble yet wonderful childhood.  His father was a maintenance man, who worked several jobs to provide enough for the family so that Alexander’s mother could stay home to raise their only child AND was able to put Alexander through college with the assistance of state aid.  Once Alexander was old enough, he joined his father in one of his businesses – mowing lawns across town.  Alexander learned early the value of hard work, and the benefits of entrepreneurship.   

The 90’s and 2000’s came with plenty of challenges for Alexander and across America, that would shape his world view. In 1999 the Columbine shooting happened and set off a chain of copy cats that would grip schools across the country in fear of even going to school. Alexander experienced several instances of bomb threats being called in at his school and he even had a cousin suspended for threatening to bring a gun to school. In 2001, the Twin Towers were attacked and the United States went to war.

After graduating college, Alexander accepted a management fast track job, married, and purchased a house that he couldn’t quite afford, but knew it was a good investment because housing always went up and it was a safe investment...  Things were going great, until they weren’t. Within a year the housing bubble popped and Alexander was now upside down in his house, the fast track job stalled out and the bank was still expecting their payment.  Despite his parents best wishes and training, Alexander found himself upside down and in a dead end job.

Fortunately, a family member owned an accounting firm and offered Alexander a position at his firm.  From there, Alexander went back to college, got his CPA, and over the next 10 years began taking over ownership in the company , while also starting several other businesses. With his gained knowledge in finance, Alexander was exposed to the Federal tax code and how it benefits business owners and investors. He began growing his businesses by advising clients how to best use the tax code to their benefit. 

After one of Alexander’s children had a temper about not getting a toy, Alexander knew he needed to teach his children about money. After some reflection, the concept that has made FIREkids a sensation was born. 

Alexander hopes that the simplicity and practicality of the message appeals to you, and it is a blessing to you and your legacy.

Who doesn’t love a good Photo Bomb!?

Who doesn’t love a good Photo Bomb!?