FIREKIDS: Little Marine Biologist

FIREKIDS: Little Marine Biologist


Ever since Little Miss Myka was little bitty she has had such an affection for marine life. Sure, most kids love dolphins and sea turtles and all that jazz, but Myka? Myka can tell you at length about Manatees, Sea Cucumbers, Jelly Fish, geez you name it, she knows it. It is so cool to have a kid have a passion and go all in on it.

Myka Getting Kissed by Hope the Dolphin

Myka Getting Kissed by Hope the Dolphin

This last summer we took a family vacation to Clearwater Beach and had the blessed experience to be able to see Hope and Winter at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium. If you haven’t seen Dolphin Tale and Dolphin Tale 2, they are great movies and the stars of the show are dolphins. In the pic to the left, Myka got to be a Junior Trainer for Hope! In addition, Myka went to one of their camps where they got to learn about sea turtles and lizards. Her face was just so lit up, she was going around to everyone telling them that she is going to be a marine biologist and work at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium (CMA) after High School. I’m Down with that!

So a little backstory on Myka, when other kids were watching Cars or Little Mermaid, she was watching the Octonauts on Nick Jr. The octonauts are little creatures who are tasked with taking care of the sea creatures. Their moniker is “explore, rescue, and protect”, right up Myka’s alley.

Explore, Rescue Protect!

Explore, Rescue Protect!

And what does the CMA do? Let me just cut and paste their mission statement from their website,

We believe in preserving our environment while inspiring the human spirit through leadership in the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of marine life; environmental education; research; and conservation.

In other words, “Explore, Rescue and Protect!” So while most aquariums are there to show off their amazing sea creatures, the CMA is there to take care of their creatures and release them into the wild. The only creatures that don’t get released are ones that are unable to survive in the wild.

While we were there, we noticed that they are expanding to be able to treat more dolphins, turtles, and MANATEES! So, Tampa Florida is home to a large number of Manatees, and unfortunately these adorable creatures often get struck by boat propellers despite everyone’s best efforts to avoid injuring them. So currently there isn’t the facility to take care of these gentle giants but once the CMA’s expansion is finished they will be able to treat and release these chubby Mermaids back into the wild.

Cuddly Manatees Also known as Chubby Mermaids (Image from NOAA)

Cuddly Manatees Also known as Chubby Mermaids (Image from NOAA)

Now, Myka loves all sea creatures, but number one in her heart, are Manatees! I mean, look how cute they are! Even John Lithgow had to sing a song about these majestic creatures! You’re Welcome:

So, you are telling me that Myka’s favorite aquarium, has a mission that aligns with her passion, and they are treating her favorite animal in the whole wide world?!? Heck yeah she is in! So she has saved $1,000 to contribute to the CMA to help with their expansion project, and is getting a dolphin plaque with her name on it which will be displayed in Winter’s new home! She is beyond pumped to be a part of their mission.

Curious what $1,000 in singles looks like?


Super proud of my FIkid, Myka. I truly hope she holds this passion and can one day work (or volunteer since she will be FI) for the CMA, but until then, we will keep going to camps, learning all we can and bummer, going to Clearwater Beach!

The Fam at Clearwater Beach: (From Left to Right) Charlotte, Myka, Joey, Zeke, and Alexander @zanderfi

The Fam at Clearwater Beach: (From Left to Right) Charlotte, Myka, Joey, Zeke, and Alexander @zanderfi

FIREKIDS: Not Stacking Up

FIREKIDS: Not Stacking Up